The handlers in National CAC or International CAC-CACIB shows must be over the age (18 years) or under the age but emancipated.


However, handlers under the age but over twelve (12) could participate in the same conditions as adults, provided that their father, mother or legal guardian send, according to what is declared in the article 1903 of the Civil Code, a signed letter to the organizer, where it is specifically said that they authorize the participation of the minor in that show and will be responsible of the damages he/she might suffer or cause.




Quiénes somos

La Real Sociedad Canina de España (RSCE) fue fundada con el nombre de Sociedad Central de Fomento de las Razas Caninas en España (RSCFRCE) el 27 de junio de 1911, legalmente constituida el 12 de julio de 1911 y se le concede el título de “Real” por S. M. El Rey D. Alfonso XIII el 1 de diciembre de 1911

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