After the effective date of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals for Spain on 1st February 2018, with implementation of its article 10, first paragraph, it is forbidden the registration and participation in dog shows, organized or authorized by the RSCE, of those dogs born after that date with docked tail, cropped ears or any other surgical intervention with the aim of modifying its appearance or of getting other healing purposes.


However, with implementation of the article 10, second paragraph, of the mentioned Convention, it is allowed the registration and participation of dogs registered in the LOE or RRC of the RSCE, born after 1st February 2018, with the tail docked for veterinary reasons or for the benefit of a concrete animal, proved by an official statement, or the signature on the pet passport, of a veterinary surgeon, who considers this intervention as necessary, or short-tailed or tailless dogs, proved by the brachyury test, being allowed on the standard of the breed, including the entry form with photocopy of the Short Tail - Tailless Certificate, issued by the RSCE prior checking of the documents, that allows the participation.


Likewise, as the mentioned Convention oblies Spain in what is concerned to its territory, it is allowed the registration and participation of dogs registered in the LOE or RRC of the RSCE with short tail or tailless, being stated on the standard of the breed, born after the 1st February 2018 in States where the legal regulation does not forbid the docking of tails, having to include the entry form with photocopy of the Short Tail - Tailless Certificate, issued by the RSCE prior checking of the state of birth and the legal regultation, that allows the participation.


In any case, with regard to the dogs registered in the Stud Books of other National Canine Organizations of the FCI (FCI-NCO), concerning the article 4 of the Regulations for FCI Dog Shows, it is allowed the registration and participation of shor-tailed or tailless dogs, born in other States whose legal regulation does not forbid the docking of tails.



Quiénes somos

La Real Sociedad Canina de España (RSCE) fue fundada con el nombre de Sociedad Central de Fomento de las Razas Caninas en España (RSCFRCE) el 27 de junio de 1911, legalmente constituida el 12 de julio de 1911 y se le concede el título de “Real” por S. M. El Rey D. Alfonso XIII el 1 de diciembre de 1911

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