The dogs of the breeds that are not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, integrated in the Alianza Canina Latina, WILL ALL BE JUDGED ON SUNDAY MORNING WITHIN THE SO-CALLED "GROUP 11”.



Majorero, Perro de Pastor Vasco (Euskal Artzain Txakurra), Perro de Pastor Garafiano, Perro Leonés de Pastor, Alano Español, Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz, Perro Ratonero Valenciano (Gos Rater Valencià), Pachón Navarro, Podenco Andaluz, Maneto and Podenco Valenciano


Barbado da Terceira and Cao de Gado Transmontano


Cane di Oropa, Pastore della Sila, Spino degli Iblei, Cane de Mannara, Cane Fonnese and Segugio dell’Apennino


Chien particolore à poil frisé, Epagneul de Saint Usuge, Cursinu, Bruno Saint Hubert Français and Briquet de Provence

The Best of Breed will compete in the Final of the Group 11 not being allowed their participation in the Group Finals, as it has been done so far, nor their competition for the Best in Show.


The dogs of Spanish Breeds that are included in this group, having obtained the qualification of Best of Breed, will compete for the Best of Spanish Breeds.





Quiénes somos

La Real Sociedad Canina de España (RSCE) fue fundada con el nombre de Sociedad Central de Fomento de las Razas Caninas en España (RSCFRCE) el 27 de junio de 1911, legalmente constituida el 12 de julio de 1911 y se le concede el título de “Real” por S. M. El Rey D. Alfonso XIII el 1 de diciembre de 1911

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